Nutrient Deficient despite Calorie Abundance Pandemic

Minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, boron, potassium, etc) are the drivers to every reaction in the body.  They are essential to utilize the carbohydrates, fats and proteins we eat to produce energy and everything our bodies do!!!

1 in 3 individuals are deficient in at least 10 minerals !!

Why?!  Three main reasons: 

1.  Foods we eat are more nutrient depleted than 80 years ago. Foods are grown for yield, animals and plants aren’t given enough time to extract more nutrients & phosphorus fertilizers & glyphosate inhibit nutrient absorption from the soil by decreasing the acidity & killing the microbes needed for mineral extraction. Studies show soils contain 30% less calcium, magnesium and zinc than 80 years ago

2. 60% of foods American’s eat are processed.  Processed foods eliminate 80-100% of all nutrients. 

3.  Certain Health conditions and/or medications used to treat disease deplete nutrients 

How to increase mineral levels to improve health: 

1.  Choose organic (to avoid the pesticides and herbicides that kill microbes in the soil needed for nutrient extraction by plants) 

2.  Take a multi-mineral. Most minerals are symbiotic so it’s important not to take extreme levels of one without taking its partner.  For example taking high levels of zinc can result in low levels of copper.  Low levels of copper can induce insulin resistance, high cholesterol and high triglycerides.  

Minerals are SO important for HEALTH, PERFORMANCE & ANTI-Aging !  Start yours today!

Ever have any questions? Ask our in-house nutritionist Katie Nelson, RD CSCS


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